At just 13 years old, Chicago native XOGOLDEN embarked on a musical journey that would eventually lead him to become...
In the vibrant world of hip-hop, where stories are told through beats and verses, one artist stands out with a...
In the dynamic world of music, a shining star has emerged, capturing hearts and minds with her extraordinary talent and...
Worldarama, a name synonymous with talent, resilience, and unwavering dedication, has traversed a remarkable path in the music industry. From...
“Nathalie Paris’s first EP “Trust Issues” is finally here and we can’t stop talking about it! A three song project...
A young and talented music producer, Wumpted has made a remarkable entry into the music industry. His dream to make...
Jake Canney is a rising hip hop artist from Killingly, CT, who recently released his latest album, ‘Never Forever’. We...
Seed, the Engineer, is a rising audio engineer in the music industry. He started his career as a kid writing...
Vincent Jxmes, a rising artist hailing from Louisville, KY and currently based in Rochester, NY, is quickly making a name...
American-made artist Toska Nova is a rising star in the music industry. With a rebellious soul and a sound that...
Tell us about your background getting to where you are today? I’m half korean half Italian, grew up the oldest...
What’s your name? “RSNJunior (AKA Joka Jun) Where are you from? Houston, Texas How old are you? 20 When did...